Tuesday, August 28, 2007

There! Did it!

We moved. It was an incredibly sanctifing journey. We packed and moved. We packed some more and moved some more. Finally we panicked, packed and moved as the date to be out of our old house loomed ever closer.
Now I'm unpacking boxes that lay arranged around our new house, forming rabbit warrens. There's a remote possibility that we will be found crushed by stuff. I had beautiful resolutions to pack the boxes in a logical organized manner. Those resolutions lasted up until the panic.
I've lived quite happily without most of the stuff within those boxes and if it weren't for those few things I really need, I'd throw them out. But I really, really need my phone book. Oh and those bottles of wine I stocked up on. And somewhere there's a lid for my teapot(I hope).

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Our Ninny

Today you are 6. You are tall and strong. You are compassionate and funny. You are the most generous child I know. If someone is sad you make it your mission to make things better, even if it means giving up your last candy. The other night when your 4 year-old brother had a night time accident, you helped him get dressed and cleaned up. Listening to you was so sweet. You were so gentle and kind. I love you so much my Patrick. Happy Birthday.