Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Life is a bit more hectic these days then it normally is. Periodically, I feel waves of panic splash over the brim, only to subside with my usual nonchalance. Actually, I hope that it's my trust that's stretching it's muscles. When I begin to feel overwhelmed it's because I feel a decided lack of control. This is an opportunity to remember that I'm not in control. God is and if I just trust him things are fine.
We went to Mass on our way to Medicine Hat, at a mission church in Bentley. The pastor was a priest from Nigeria and he told us about a bug called the Wee-wee. It's an edible bug with lots of protein and when it is very young it clings to the tree so hard that if you try to pull it off, you will break the bug in half. When it matures and is full of itself, all you have to do is stand underneath the tree and call "wee-wee" and it falls to the ground. "Lord, let me not be full of me, but instead cling to you so hard that I might break before I let go."