Thursday, April 3, 2008

Right! It's not about me!

After having a good talk with a good friend yesterday, spiritual guidance and an hour with our Lord, I finally remembered that it's not about me. It's about Christ first and others next.
This and a couple of other blogs, (thank you Mrs. Foss and Mrs. Bean) has led me to looking at my house and it's structure. I hate housework. I never seem to make any headway. What's done is undone within minutes. And there's so many other things that I'd rather be doing. So I just don't bother. But do I love my family and especially my husband enough to make a warm inviting home for them? Yes. So I will plug away at becoming more organized. Let's call it my Easter resolution. I'm off the computer and onto my control journal. School will also be receiving more structure, much to Becca's dismay! Here I go.
Mary, my mother, pray for us!

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