Sunday, June 28, 2009

Help! I Need Somebody

I was just reading a great post by Rachel Balducci at Testosterhome, about the necessity of asking for help at certain times in our lives and just how difficult that can be.  I remember at one point someone telling me how selfish it can be not to ask for help.  That we can be interfering in some one's path to Christ.  That they are offering themselves to us as Christ does (in a smaller way, maybe) and we are rejecting them/Him.  Ouch!  This was a wake up call to me, because I'm so willing to offer help, but how often do I graciously accept it.  It seems a weakness to admit the need.  Or maybe it's as though I want to take advantage of someone.  One definite aspect of refusing help is trust.  Am I trusting that these offers are sincere or am I assuming that the person offering truly doesn't mean it?  Am I hoping that these people will see the needy side of me and still like me?  It is good to evaluate this and determine why I say no before I say no.  If Christ is offering me help should I really say no?  And should I not see Christ in each and every person I encounter?

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