Friday, November 6, 2009

Book Review - The Catholic Family: Image and LIkeness of God

I recently finished a great book by Rev. Dr. Bob MacDonald entitled "The Catholic Family: Image and Likeness of God" part 1. This book takes you from remote formation, explaining the role of the male and female and the influence their own family has on their future, to how we form our children in utero through to young adult. But it doesn't stop there. It continues onto the elderly and death, dying and grieveing. All of this from the perspective of a Catholic deacon who is also a pyschologist in family practice. Dr. MacDonald presents things in a manner that the layperson can understand and gives practical suggestions to incorporate loving methods of discipleship into your family. There's a focus on incorporating prayer and fasting that is rarely if ever found in parenting literature. I found his explaination of the spouse's individual roles within the family to be particularly helpful and enlightening. I'm looking forward to part 2.

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